Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle Accidents and Personal Injury

For Americans focused on health and wellness, cycling is a popular activity beneficial for them and the environment. Many also use it as their transportation, sharing the road with cars, buses, and other vehicles.

Unfortunately, accidents happen. When they happen between a car and a bike, they can be increasingly severe.

Bicycle Accidents

Cyclists, even those who wear protective gear, are vulnerable to extensive injuries when out on the road. This is because even at slow speeds, there is very little to protect them from bodily harm when in the midst of a collision.

Due to the high risk of catastrophic injury, if you or a loved one are involved in a cycling accident, it's imperative that you seek legal aid as quickly as possible. In the weeks and months following a crash, a good lawyer can help guide you through the claims process so your case is as successful as possible.

Cycling Liability

Bikes have an interesting position in the legal landscape. While cyclists are vulnerable to many of the same injuries as a pedestrian, they are expected to exercise greater responsibility. This is due in large part to the fact that cyclists on the road are considered vehicles, driving in the same direction as traffic and abiding by the same rules.

The result of this is a challenge in determining liability in a bike crash. Depending on your state, cyclists who are at least partly to blame for the circumstances of their accident may no longer be eligible to receive compensation for their damages. These states are known as contributory negligence states.

If you do not live in a contributor negligence state, you may still be eligible to receive compensation even if you were partly at fault. However, understand that by contributing to the circumstances of the crash, your final amount of compensation might be greatly reduced.

Examples of cyclist negligence include:

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    Riding outside of a provided bike lane

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    Riding on the wrong side of the street

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    Turning abruptly

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    Failing to give a signal

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    Failing to yield

Bicycle Accidents

While this list is non-exhaustive, it is important to speak with your attorney about the circumstances surrounding your accident so they can best defend your case.


Bicycle Accidents

Due to the lack of protection provided by bicycles, the injuries and damages of these accidents tend to be exceedingly severe. Among the most common injuries are:

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    Musculoskeletal injuries

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    Neck and back injuries

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    Spinal cord injuries

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    Nerve damage

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    Organ damage

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    Puncture wounds

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    Internal bleeding

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    Traumatic Brain Injury

From these injuries, individuals ultimately face many challenges in their day-to-day lives following a crash. These challenges and resulting expenses create the foundation for your damages claims, including the following:

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    Lost wages

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    Loss of earning capacity

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    Emotional distress

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    Loss of quality of life

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    Medical expenses

Bicycle Accidents

Depending on the circumstances of your case and your prospects of recovery, you may be able to claim some, all, or even additional damages than what is listed above. As such, it’s integral to work with an attorney to build a case strategy that helps you receive the compensation you deserve.

Bicycle Accident Lawyers Montgomery

Every accident is different. The only way to know what your case prospects are is to meet with an experienced attorney and discuss the details of your experience. Once the details of your case are known, your attorney will work to earn your compensation— a lifeline for many who are suffering from new and unexpected medical expenses and daily challenges.

Stickland & Kendall offer a team of personal injury lawyers that can help evaluate your bike case and understand your legal options. This is true no matter where you live, as we are lawyers dedicated to serving individuals around the country.

We believe that our legal services performed benefit the greater good of individuals who have been injured. This gives us a drive and passion that allows us to eclipse the work performed by other lawyers as we fight for your case.

If you were injured and believe you have a claim, we encourage you to reach out to our legal team at 334.269.3230 as quickly as possible to discuss your case.

Strickland & Kendall, L.L.C.

Hear what our clients have to say

The night I received the message that one of my sisters, and an uncle who we looked upon as a family patriarch and loved like a brother, had been in serious accident with possibly life threatening injury, was one of the times in my life that my little world seemed to stop. The first week was filled with much stress as I was trying to handle insurance claims for my uncle, and my sister’s son was trying to handle her claims. I thought we could do it ourselves but it became very evident this was way over both of our heads. My husband had met Michael many years previously while working in sales, and always spoke highly of Michael as an attorney with good ethics and integrity. I agreed it was time to call Michael to find out how he could help.

In November 2016, a friend of mine gave me Michael’s number after my son was arrested for multiple felonies. I knew nothing about bail, criminal court, or what I could expect next. From day one, Michael was there to guide my son and I through the 18-month lawsuit that followed. Mr. Strickland made me as comfortable as I could be during the most difficult time of my life. His legal assistant, Debbie, also provided me with pep talks, mother to mother, as well as answered many of our questions. He kept us briefed and was always there to answer our concerns. Michael’s legal skills during the hearings made me glad he was on our side. At the final court date, we heard the phrase we have been waiting for: CHARGES DISMISSED. Mr. Strickland gave me my son back. In actuality, he gave me back to my son. We are finally whole again.

Michael agreed to handle the accident for my uncle and my sister, and immediately paid attention to informing us of the correct things to do. My sister is still recovering, and praises Michael. My uncle passed away four months after the accident. What seemed to be an accident immediately became a ”wrongful death.” Michael proceeded to move me forward in the process, handling both cases with compassion, knowledge and integrity. His staff was always right there for me as well. I know I benefited not just by being awarded a suitable settlement, but I now know it takes someone with his skills to do what’s needed. I would highly recommend calling upon him if you find yourself in a similar situation. I hope I never have to again, because we lost a precious family member, but I know where to go if I find myself in that situation again.

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